What We Offer

Meditation Programs | Spiritual Healing | Life Improvement | Soul Experience

Our Classes for You

All our classes focus on giving you a boost of morale and education to help you make a lasting positive change to your life.

Morning Program

Evening Program

Corporate Program

Two FREE sessions a day. Individualized classes & Programs.

Get Ready for the Day

Listen to our online session while driving, having breakfast,
looking after your family and start having a blessed day.

Our Everyday Chant Meditation Process

Sit down in front of a home altar or a sacred place on a raised platform or on the floor with back support. Ideally, sit in the North East corner of the house facing towards East. Rise up early in the morning to focus on yourself and the mantra as given by our instructor. Make a determination in your mind to leave all worries behind for that session. Join the conference while keeping your phone at least 1 feet away.



Keep all distractions away. Chant the mantra in the mind.


Hatha Yoga

Do five Surya Namaskars



Chant softly on your beads for the complete session